Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Moon Maiden

Week 4 of Riverlight Cottages Summer Session we heard the story of The Moon Maiden from Wynstones Press "Spindrift".  On Monday we watercolored purple mountains, and Tuesday we modeled mountains and moons with purple play dough we made and on Thursday we wet felted fireflies and made hanging mobiles like featured in our puppet play.

The bamboo cutter's wife told her husband she saw the face of the child she longed for in the moon on top of Mount Fuji. Sure it was just his wife's fancy he followed the silver trail the moon shine down to the top of the mountain.
He found a tiny moon child clad in moonshine, " I am Princess Moonbeam, Lady Moon is my mother. But she sent me to be a comfort for you and your wife. The woodcutter said eagerly, "I will take you home to be our child".

As the years passed by, Princess Moonbeam brought nothing but joy to the woodman and his wife. Lovelier and lovelier she grew. Fair was her face and radiant, her eyes were shinning stars and hair gleamed with moonlight. The prince saw how she lit up her humble cottage and vowed to take her to court.

But she has to return to her mother, Lady Moon, she is happy to return home but she misses everyone she loved on Earth.

She wept silvery tears that took wings and floated away to carry her message of love. Her tears float around the marshes and meadows today, and children happily cry out, "see the fireflies! How beautiful they are!".

We also had a fun day with our Spiral Scouts Circle at Pocahontas State Park.  We went on a scavenger hunt nature walk and spent time learning about reptiles and meeting a few in the nature center. 

My Little Raindrops (the 3-5 year old group at Spiral Scouts)

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